Ambiguities in Java

Kanav Arora
3 min readJun 11, 2021


Java was founded in 1991, it has evolved a lot but still, Java has some ambiguities. Ambiguities are the vagueness in some concepts. Some concepts are not well defined and they have multiple interpretations. Java is mainly derived from C++ and C. Unlike C++, Java is exclusively object-oriented. These ambiguities give different results when run on different compilers. This shows that while writing the compiler all of them have different thinking and approaches for the same issues. Some of the ambiguities are mentioned below:

VarArgs in java

When using Varargs, method overloading is possible but invoking an empty function compiler will give an ambiguity error.

Output: error: reference to testFun is ambiguous
both method testFun(int...) in Test and method testFun(boolean...) in Test match
1 error

Varargs with other parameters

When using parameters with varargs while invoking a method may give error in some cases.

Output: error: reference to testFun is ambiguous
+ testFun(1, 4, 6, 8));
both method testFun(int...) in Test and method testFun(int,int...) in Test match
1 error

In the above code there are two methods with int as return type.

- In first method varargs is the only parameter passed

- In the second method int and varargs are the parameters.

Now while invoking the method for e.g testFun(4, 6, 8, 10), the compiler is unable to identify whether the first parameter is from varargs or int. There is an ambiguity whereas if the first parameter is of different data type the code will work perfectly fine.

Multiple Inheritance

Unlike C++ and python, java doesn’t support multiple inheritance because it leads to the Diamond problem. But java does support multiple inheritance but only with interfaces.

Output: error: '{' expected
public class D extends B, C {

Method Invocation

Method invocation may give an error of ambiguous reference of methods. Method invocation errors arise when there is both an inherited instance and a local instance at the time of invocation. Furthermore, the methods must be invoked with the widening conversion of parameters.


N.m(short x)
N.p(C x)

Outputs of these ambiguities may differ with different compilers. Java consists of some other ambiguities in core concepts such as security, multithreading, concurrency but they are advanced topics and are not covered in this article.

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Kanav Arora
Kanav Arora

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