Structural Pattern Matching in Python
Python is a very efficient language but some of the features are not in python. Python 3.10 is feature-packed. Unlike other languages such as Java, Python doesn’t have a switch/case statement.
In v3.10, python developers have introduced “Structural Pattern Matching”, we know it as switch/case statements. In the official 3.10 release notes the feature is named “Structural Pattern Matching”, it can be found in PEP 634 (latest).
Value can be provided in a pattern matching statement and it will be matched with several cases. Output statements are executed based on the case match.
Here input value will be matched with each case pattern, in case no case matches, a wildcard case will be executed.
Note: Wildcard case is optional.
Note: To run the code you require latest python setup.
Same logic with if-else:
You can combine several cases in one by using | (“or”)
case "read" | "write" | "learn":
Patterns with literal or variable:
Sum = 11
Importance of Structural Pattern Matching:
- It makes the code more readable and clean
- With the use of pattern matching, checking a large number of test cases become very easy.
- Pattern matching is faster than multiple if-else blocks.
For more deep knowledge such as pattern grouping, pattern sequence and values, you can refer to the official documentation: PEP 634.
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